On Gifts and Expression

We all have different gifts, so we all have different ways of saying to the world who we are.

Fred Rodgers

“I received my gifts in- a shipment of blessings…”.

Life has a way of exposing who we are, for better or worse. While living within the parameters of who we are and eying who it is we long to become we have opportunity.

This opportunity as I see it is to carry the weight of the expectations we set for ourselves. Not so much the external view, I’m speaking about self for self instead of self against.

These gifts we are born with can be used to accomplish anything we work diligently towards. A lot of times we see the brilliance- the breath of another’s gift and become so enamored that we want to incorporate

those things into our lives. That’s understandable, but but forget or minimize your gifts. Your contributions are as important as anyone’s.

Let me know who you are…

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