The Beginning of Wisdom

Captain, the most elementary and valuable statement in science – the beginning of wisdom – is: “I do not know.”


I know, y’all were takin bets on how long it would take for the Star Trek quotes to pour in.

Don’t be afraid to not know something. We spend a lot of time trying to show how learned we are and to put other folks up on something. Some of the most exciting moments in life have centered around exploring understanding. Whether it was the world I live in or the concept that didn’t make sense to me.

My sister called me this morning during the morning school drop off. I swear hearing from her and the boys energize me. As much as I try to give the fam nuggets to ponder through out their day; I’m usually the one left with jewels in my opinion.

I asked my nephew what his goals were for the week and he told me “chill Unc- I haven’t had my coffee yet…”. While we all laughed, I did respond that the goals didn’t have to be heavy lifts. It could be some fun in there. That was the jewel. As we set these goals and milestones in route to our dreams and wants- some of this stuff can just be setting aside some time to laugh a bit. Yes, this life of ours is serious. We can seriously take a moment to laugh and to smile. To be light and silly.

I’ve never claimed to be wise. I just know I do not know that the future holds. I know what I’m working towards today though.

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