Oh, You’re Making Plans?

“Plan for the process; not the event”

The Universe

Back in high school when I played basketball and we had maybe 2 games in a week at the most, which left 3 to 4 days of practice each week. While practice was there to prepare us for the games we had to find the time on our own to prepare ourselves for practice.

That meant different things for different people. Understanding that you needed to get yourself ready- even for practice has never really left me. That idea has been transferable in so many scenarios. Meetings at work where I was managing teams and projects; preparing to record songs or helping friends get ready for a tour.

A lot of people know how important the event is. That stage, those lights, the people. All that is awesome. The magic happens in the process though. That is where the skills are honed and thoughts and ideas are explored. The process lasts so much longer than the event. It makes total sense to me to plan for the process to make the event feel like 2nd nature. You have the opportunity to test things and see how they work and if you like them out of the way of the audience.

As much as I love writing I realized I must spend more time actually writing than thinking of writing. So when it’s time to write it doesn’t take as long getting started, or finished. I’ve found out that while the stream of consciousness that I enjoy creating from; things make more sense to the audience when thought out a bit more. I told myself that I would write more and edit more than that moving forward.

So while my event is hitting publish on posts like this. My process is the drafts most won’t see. The way I plan for my process is setting aside regular times to write as well as thinking what type of posts I want for the week and what types of stories I want to tell.

Whatever your event is I want to you to enjoy it and thrive in it. More that that though I want you to develop and love your process. That’s where I’ve found my magic and where some of yours may be hiding and waiting to be discovered. So why not plan for the process?


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